St. Leonard - St. Francis Transition Team


This page is dedicated to the providing information to the parishioners of St. Leonard and St. Francis parishes as they explore the recommendation to join the two churches into a unified community of faith.

As information becomes available, it will be placed here. Please check back regularly for updates or contact the Transition Team with your questions.


Transition Team Overview

The protocols of Real Presence Real Future, requires parish leaders from both St. Leonard and St Francis to spend time together, studying the possibility of this recommendation of a merger, by looking at all facets of parish life, from liturgy to facilities, from music to ministries and everything in between for complete integration to one parish.

The Transition Team has been established with the sole purpose of exploring this recommendation. The role of this team is to deeply examine what a merger between the two parishes would look like. The team’s purpose is to be helpful and efficient, working together to honor both parishes, their parishioners, their ministries and their activities in order make a final recommendation to the Bishop on how best to move forward.

St Leonard Team- Cathy Perry, Dee Jones, Sonny Delmatto, Todd Baldosser, Don Riesbeck, and Nello Allori. St Francis Team- Maggie Wright, Shannon Walker, Joanne Breitmayer, Tina Burtch and Rocky Carr. Clergy- Fr. David Sizemore, Fr. Michael Gentry and Deacon Eric Wright. Diocesan Support- Robert Franz

There is no time frame officially set. This process will be done thoroughly, and it will take as long as needed. Some parish transitions have been able to be completed in 4- 6 months, where others have taken more than a full year.

The Diocese of Columbus embarked on an ongoing strategic initiative called Real Presence Real Future (RPRF) to determine how to better align the available resources with our current needs. The need to do this was brought on by dwindling Mass attendance and reception of sacraments along with a priest shortage. Bottom line is that there just aren’t enough resources to go around and we need to move things around so as to better serve the faithful for years and years to come.

In the first 3 rounds of RPRF, exploration of joining St. Leonard (STL) with one of the other Licking County parishes and being suppressed as a parish was explored. Bishop Fernandes ultimately rejected those recommendations and allowed STL to continue operating in its existing model as sister parish to OLMC as two churches with a shared pastor all the while knowing that future exploration may need to be pursued.

Unfortunately, that time came sooner than expected and so we are being asked once again to explore one of the previously recommendations. The most viable recommendation at this time to explore is whether that the two communities of STL and St. Francis can be joined into a single faith community. 

Please see the original RPRF results as published by the diocese here

To revitalize and refocus our mission as Catholic Christians across our diocese, by helping re-evangelize all our parishes and schools, engaging each baptized Catholic to become missionary disciples and disciple makers.

The primary role of the Transition Team is to inform St. Leonard parishioners about the state of the parish in the past as evaluated through the objective process of RPRF, which was conducted in each of our parishes across the diocese. The evaluation included analysis of the current state of St. Leonard parish and what it would it take for the parish to be self-sustaining in the future following the standards of RPRF.  Next, if it is determined that the parishioners can’t support the work required to work to achieve viability, the concentration of the team will shift to explore what a possible merger with St. Francis might look like.

Glossary of Terms

“Sister parishes” are created between two or more parishes under the administration of one pastor.  These parishes may share a variety of ministries but they remain canonically and financially separate.

There are 7 pillars that the Diocese uses to help evaluate a parish’s viability. Some are sacramental and others are financial:  
Weekly Mass attendance
Multiple year attendance trends
Ratio of baptisms/funerals
Number of marriages and conversions
Annual offertory
Deficit as % of revenue
Offertory as a % of total revenue

Administrative & Leadership Structure

OLMC met all the viability pillar standards (please see glossary of terms for details) and therefore is capable of being a stand-alone parish with its own pastor and staff.

The Administrator does whatever he can to shepherd the parish. For example, he completes administrative, sacramental, ministerial and pastoral care for a parish placed under is care. This is intended for a limited time period, or in this case, until the work of RPRF is completed.

Fr. Dave’s primary focus is pastorally caring for the people of St. Leonard. Due to the parish’s current financial situation, it cannot afford to employ the necessary faith formation staff and programming for children and adults, such as OCIA, PSR, baptismal prep., prep. for 1st reconciliation, 1st holy communion, confirmation, funeral prep., etc.  Fr. Dave will work to ensure that all religious education and faith formation is available to any and all St. Leonard parishioners.

Peggy Pound will be stepping in as the new office manager and all other vacancies will be filled by St. Leonard volunteers or, if budget allows, additional personnel may be hired. Please let us know if you know of any persons who might want to support the church with their time and talent.

See a copy of a letter to a member of the faithful when she inquired directly with the Bishop.

STL Letter from Bishop 07.31.2024.pdf


No. St. Leonard will not be asked to share the cost of any priest or staff who are ministering to St. Leonard parishioners or assisting in religious education and faith formation during this time.


In the experience of RPRP & dioceses across the US, this practice would keep the parishes from being united and would likely create a continued division. A rich bonding can only be experienced fully through shared worship.

As the work of the Transition Team continues, and could last up to 18 months, all St. Leonard ministries and activities should continue serving parishioners and the community as they have always done. No changes should be made until a final recommendation is presented to and approved by Bishop Fernandes. The Transition Team will provide regular updates so that ministry leaders may be as fully informed as possible preparing for future events.


-St. Francis Parish Flocknote (6/13/2024) - The efforts of our diocesan planning initiative “Real Presence, Real Future” (RPRF) continues to assist in meeting the needs of Catholics across the Diocese of Columbus. Thank you for your commitment and involvement in the initiative so far. Part of the importance of RPRF was to help us understand the needs of the whole diocese which includes pastoral planning that is not intended to be a one-time event, but rather an ongoing journey. Ultimately, two of the outcomes of RPRF has been the reorganization of some of our parishes in the Diocese, and the ongoing work of the re-evangelization of all our parishes and schools, helping everyone move closer to Jesus through living a more engaged life as missionary disciples.

While the final recommendation that St. Leonard and St. Francis parishes be merged was rejected in May 2023 in favor of St. Leonard’s existing structure in place as sister parish of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (OLMC)with a shared pastor, it was always understood that re-evaluation of the model would be necessary. This re-evaluation has come sooner than expected and Bishop Fernandes, in light of the pastoral needs of the Newark and Heath area, is now reconsidering the original recommendation that St. Leonard Parish be joined with St. Francis de Sales Parish. Therefore, Fr. Sizemore will continue as Parish Administrator of St. Leonard, but in July he will discontinue being the Parish Administrator at OLMC. Bishop Fernandes has appointed Fr. Fritzner Valcin as the new Pastor of OLMC.

Regarding the future of St. Leonard, Bishop Fernandes has also recommended we consider the possibility that the current St. Leonard Parish buildings be repurposed as a ministry support center. To begin considering this, a Town Hall Meeting was held for current St. Leonard parishioners this past Tuesday, 6/11, to allow Fr. Sizemore and the Transition Team to provide details on the recommendations coming from RPRF regarding possible merger of St. Leonard and St. Francis and the proposal of a ministry center. For part of the meeting, parishioners moved into small groups to discuss their concerns, hopes, questions.  Spokespersons from each group addressed the whole assembly with their thoughts and suggestions. From this Town Hall meeting, a Transition Team will be formed, made up of some parishioners/staff/volunteers from each parish. Following the protocols of RPRF, they will spend time together studying the possibility of this recommendation of a merger, and look at each part of each parish, and how we might blend our many ministries and outreaches. Ultimately, if the merger happens, St. Leonard parish would merge with St. Francis, all worship and the sacraments after the merger would take place at St. Francis, while St. Leonard could become a vibrant hub for ministry activities, faith formation, and growing evangelization efforts to meet the current and expected needs of western Licking County. 

We will keep you informed as the Transition Team progresses through the summer months, into the fall and possibly to the winter. Meanwhile, Fr. Sizemore and Fr. Gentry will continue to offer Mass regularly at St. Leonard, take care of their pastoral needs, and Fr. Sizemore will continue as Parish Administrator. Please keep Fr. Sizemore in your prayers, as well as the important work of the Transition Team. Please also keep the good people of St. Leonard in your prayers during this time of possible transition. We stand ready to welcome them, accompany them through this time change, and grow in faith with them well into the future.

Have questions for the Transition team? Please contact them here!